Build your Kingdom here!!!!! :D

Its very easy to look at life and, even though we are still committed to Christ, see the dark path laid out in front of us by the world...pain, greif, hurt, perishing happiness, death, failure, temptation...brokenness.

And like Thomas, many of us committed ourselves to Christ but have ignored the truer depths of what it means to walk with Him, our Savior.

Christ not only conquered death, He redefines it. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden not because God hated them. It was because He loved them and if they would have stayed, they would have eaten from the Tree of Life and never died...never been reunited with God.

We are here, for a time, in a broken, nasty, hurtful world, roamed by a prince of darkness that, while neither omnipresent nor omniscient, is still quite powerful.

But Satan's power has nothing on our God, nothing on our Savior. So live your life in a manner pleasing and delightful to God. Pray in all things. Study the Bible deeply as one drinks deeply of a cool, clean, refreshing water. Do not stop meeting together with other Christians.

Break open your life and let God continually, every day, wash it clean. And in the depths of you, and in the heights of Christ, be open, be honest, be vulnerable...

And watch as God builds His Kingdom here, in and amongst us.

Our God is greater, ever, ever greater.

Do not despair. For even though you may not feel Him, our God is here and our God is there. Our God is everywhere, at all times.

And His Kingdom has and shall continue to come into this place.

Be there. And be ready. Its happening right now.

And if you want to feel a part of it, then you need to be a part of it.

Now is always the time.


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