:) Home

Bing back home in Minnesota has been good. My family is big and interacts well together. But I still feel that laziness, that lack of motivation and consistency and I know that my new found desire to act on the principles and values that I profess is being tested.

This is an exciting time. These are the days during which much of the rest of my life will be decided, from what sort of job I will have to where I will live, even as much as what sort of habits I will have thirty years from now. I remember someone I was talking to during my freshman year of college. They said something like, "these are the times for us to test out boundaries, to go a little crazy and to have fun." I disagree. This time now is for us to take ownership of our boundaries and to make them stronger, in short, to grow up. So many of my friends from high school live to party, to get drunk, to live a totally self indulgent lifestyle without boundaries.

I think Philippians 4:8 sums up quite nicely the sort of mindset I need to have, at all times, but especially now...

"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable. if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things."

Today is a good day. Not because of what has happened in it, but because of the God that made this day. A God that doesn't change my life so that only good things happen to me, but rather, a God that changes me so that the good and the bad days in life lead me to the same reaction...to praise God.


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