Walking through the Psalms (5)

This brings me back to my reaction to Psalm 4.  I love the way that David cries out to God, expecting to be answered, not because he deserves an answer, but because David knows the nature and character of his God...who he rightly acknowledges as King.
Though gentle whispers may sometimes suffice, cry out to the Lord! Call out to him, whether aloud or in your heart! He desperate longs to meet with you, to be with you and have conversations of deep substance, honesty, all with a spirit of vulnerability that He has matched since the beginning...when He not only made us, but allowed us the "power" to turn away, and say no.


For there is no greater purpose for us than to be in close relationship with God, and the only way to do that, is to accept the salvation offered freely to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Say yes, and do not think that we can live on words alone, for our bodies and minds are shaped greatly by what we choose to do. But do not neglect the power of words, for they are intimately close to our heart, which is why it is such a heart-breaking shame when some speak and have nothing of honest worth to say...while others...

cry out to the Lord.
It's interesting, in verse 4, how David describes the way that God relates (at least in part) to evil.  He says, "You are not a God that takes pleasure in evil."
This reminds me of all the people that I've heard describe walking with God as something built on what we have and have not done.  God does not take pleasure in your deeds as they are, something done.  He delights in them if they have come from the depths of a humble and repentant heart...fruit of the spirit on a tree that from it's roots to it's trunk to it's limbs to it's leaves is one honest tree.
Our salvation has nothing to do with us.  We merely accept, and if we do so earnestly and honestly, then we will see a great and powerful change within us.  And we will not be the bad become good.
We will be the dead now alive.

And if we are, then our actions will be pleasing to God, because of what our actions accomplish, but because of what they display...

...a heart reborn in the love of God, seeking to show God how much He is loved, and treasured, and valued and missed and desired and longed after and sought and cherished and acknowledged and searched for and needed and...and...and...ever loved.

Throughout the rest of the Psalm David says such things as.....

"...with you the wicked cannot dwell." (4b)
"The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
 you hate all who do wrong." (5)

"You destroy those that tell lies; 
bloodthirsty and deceitful men
the Lord abhors."  (6)

"Not a word from their mouth can be trusted;
their heart is filled with destruction.
Their throat is an open grave; 
with their tongue they speak deceit." (9)

"Declare them guilty O God!
Let their intrigues be their downfall.
Banish them for their many sins,
for they have rebelled against you." (10)

Now, I am aware that David is likely speaking of actual people.  But I am personally inspired to think of these descriptions as how I might look at myself, or at least the me that was before Jesus came powerfully into my life and chased that old me out with a horse-whip.  But that old me still lingers.  That sinful mask hiding closer to me than I would like.  And I would like nothing better than to have God banish that old creature of selfish instinct and insatiable hunger.

I would like nothing better than to never desire anything other than what is true, and right, and godly, and admirable and noble, and good.

But that simply is not the way it works.  So...what is the solution?

Fight!  I am a child of God, and the old me must go.  And he will, but for now I must fight him.  I will avoid not just sin, but situations and places and people who would lead me to sin.  Now I am not saying that we should always avoid people, just that if we know that we have a weakness to a certain sin, and that certain people are living in that certain sin, we should avoid those certain people, not just because of their weakness, but also because of ours.  And perhaps we might be able to only avoid certain people living in a certain sin only in certain situations and certain places...while determining the certain situation and certain place in which we would not be tempted, where we can share the Gospel with them...
I want to be led by the Lord in the ways of righteousness (8).  I want to take refuge in the Lord and be glad, and I have sung for joy at the freedom of this very refuge.  I want to be one over who God spreads his protection...one who loves the name of the Lord and rejoices in Him (11).  I want to be blessed as one who is, by the efforts and Will of God, righteous.  I want to be surrounded with His favor as with a shield...perhaps of faith?  ;)
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there is nothing my God cannot do.
And every breath I take...every moment I am alive, is a testament to His character and undying love for me.


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