Peter is the what?

The idea that Peter was the rock upon which Jesus would build his church is absolutely. dangerously. heretically. dangerous. The rock upon which Jesus' church would be built is the declaration of Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah as revealed by the Spirit of God.

The church cannot be built upon the church, and Peter is most certainly a part of the church. The church, as a host of believers saved as the Bride of Christ, must be built upon something infallible and eternal...and there is no man who does good, not even one. And all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

And as God demonstrated in his blood covenant with Abraham, man is incapable of being an equal partner in that blood covenant. And so God walks through and pledges for both himself and for man.

Peter as the rock upon which which the church would be built is a blatant lie that contradicts the basic thematic structure of scripture from the beginning when God first shed the blood of animals to clothe Adam and Eve...

Again and again and's not about man. It's about God.

Anything else is a lie.


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