What is hope?
Often times the common, everyday usage of a word in our modern, western, English culture ends up diluting the meaning of the word until it loses not only its former breadth of definitions, but also depth.
An easy, and terrifying word to consider in this manner would be "love."
But perhaps a less obvious choice would be "hope."
I hope the game is on TV tonight.
I hope I don't burn the pizza.
I hope the car doesn't break down.
I hope get that promotion.
I hope my daughter is born healthy and happy.
I hope...
I hope...
I hope...
I hope I don't burn the pizza.
I hope the car doesn't break down.
I hope get that promotion.
I hope my daughter is born healthy and happy.
I hope...
I hope...
I hope...
Hope has lost all breadth and depth and has become a common word used to describe the way in which we want something to occur or not occur, but do not have a clear sense of certainty in regards to the desired outcome.
But for those of us who believe in and love Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Word of Creation, we do not hope in this manner.
Our hope is solid. It is grounded. It is sure. Not that we will be saved from suffering, but that, despite suffering, we have been promised salvation.
And he who promises is faithful.
We put our hope in the promises made by one who has never broken a promise.
We think, speak, and do out of our understanding of hope.
Let us live with surety in the end result of all things, and not with confused wishing and wanting, like those who do not understand.
And if we do, we will peaceful, calm, steady, quick to laugh, quick to love, slow to anger, and lover's of mercy and grace.
And those without our solid hope will want some. And we will give it, inviting all who are willing to join with us and hope with surety.
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