The Church?

Someone brought up how tough it is to deal with churches that are, as some people have said, "full of hypocrites," and it reminded me of conversations I've had in the past. Why are we surprised that churches are filled with people struggling against sin (and sometimes not so much struggling)? Did you think that churches were full of healthy perfect people?

Life is a messy, tough, complex, difficult thing, and becoming a christian definitely doesn't make it easier, but by studying the bible and praying, you can simplify it.

It's all about loving God. And loving people.

Go to the church. Not because it's a building, but because it's a body of believers, even if an unhealthy one in some cases.

And don't let your disdain and contempt for the hypocrites in the church be your crutch for not going. That's just nonsense.

And God doesn't like people talking junk about his bride. So some of you might want to watch your mouth.

But others have been legitimately hurt by people in the church. And that's terrible. Churches should be faith communities where people are physically and spiritually and socially fed. Places where we can feel safe and yet challenged at the same time.

Those of plugged in to a healthy church should be inviting others into that community and doing to continue to grow both as individuals and as a larger church body. :)


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