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Thoughts from class #3 (Trinitarianism)
- In order for God to be who He says He is, and for us to be who He says we are, and for what He says He desires of us to be true, God must exist as the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is no other way for God to be without completely invalidating Scripture. How then are we to interact with God in three persons? Is it wrong to pray to the Holy Spirit? To God the Father? To Jesus? An interesting thing to consider, how easily we slip into just praying almost ritualistically, saying things without immediate understanding. and just as easily we say "God" and pay no mind which of the three persons we mean, or if we simply mean Theos in the sense of the generic divine essence.
- The term "He" is proper to God both individually and collectively, owing to the multi-faceted use of God and Lord, and because of the intense personal unity of the Godhead. Interesting how the unity of God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is a strong example for how to understand ALL relationships in our own lives.
- God, existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is self-sufficient within Himself. If this is true, and it is, why did He create anything, much less us? He has never and will never need us. Created as we are, we are invited into the community of the Trinity, interacting with each person of God by invitation, but still, the question remains unanswered...why create? Not sure...
- Have we carefully considered the attributes of God? Do we know who God is?
"Is God impassible? Yes and no. God does not need his creation for fulfillment, but He freely chooses to be moved by human response." -- ST 102 Trinitarianism
God desires and delights in our response of yes to His offer of a loving relationship. We cannot know Him...if left to our abilities alone. But God, unknowable in His perfection, chooses to make Himself known to us, for the purpose of His Glory and our Good.
This is a God I desire to know and be known by, to BE WITH and to Love.
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