Walking with God

God is not quiet.  He is not silent.  God is as powerful and loud as He was when He created this world with just words!  Words!  Think about it!  God literally made everything with the power of His voice!!!  And He’s still speaking today.  If you’re willing to look, if you’re willing to listen, God is speaking through creation, right now…through math, through science, through art, through history, through all of creation, God is here, and He wants to know you.  J

It is the answer to the question of the meaning of life.  We were made, as works of incredible mathematic, scientific, artistic genius…to be in close, right relationship with God, and even though when sin was added to the equation it unbalanced it and separated us from God, Jesus balanced that equation, and invites to come and be with God.

Like we were made to be.  J

So, why am I a Christian?  Well, because it works.  Because it makes sense.  Because I can’t deny the obvious proof that God is real.  And if I believe that this God is real, then how can I not look at what He says to me in the Bible and not want to walk closely with Him?


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