However (he said in his professor voice), let us assume that they do, and I'm sure that there are a number of us that do. I think going to God for answers, while not foolish in itself, is still perhaps short of the mark, missing the overall point. Comfort, like "answers" comes close, perhaps closer, but still doesn't quite reach far enough.
We should seek God, both in prayer and in the bible, because he asks us to. It is obedience. But it is a kind of obedience where a father who loves his child affirms his love by saying, "it is I that loves you best, above another other. So trust me and come and find me as I have found you."
How would you feel, if I only ever talked to you when I needed something, or was frustrated, or upset?
There's no relationship there.
I think some of us go to God for answers and comfort because we're desperate. And sometimes God will walk with us there, but sometimes he will not. Sometimes he will stand a ways off and call us to come further.
I'm not sure if any of this helps.
But consider this...
Do not seek God's Will so that he can answer your questions. God is not a spiritual ATM. Seek God's presence and by dwelling in his presence, you will come to better understand him and you will better know His Will and you will also not FIND comfort, but you will know comfort because you drew close to God. Because the Holy Spirit lives richly in you as you seek to constantly get closer to God through the bible and through prayer.
We so often go to God because we're desperate and hurting and selfish. We should go to God because we love him and want to be with him and don't want to live any other way than how the bible tells us to.
Just remember who you are. You are a son or daughter of the one true God.
And he is mightier than anything in this world, in this entire universe.
And he loves you.
God is not safe, but he is good. And he loves you so much that it hurts him when you, and I, and anyone...comes only to him to know things and to feel better, although those things are not bad in themselves.
Just remember...
And go play hide and seek with God. He taught us how, and he loves to play.
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